One thing I learned talking with many friends doing the marathon... First I will say most of my friends are somewhat amateurs, some are pretty fast don't get me wrong but we're not hard core runners. We don't try and place or get PRs (personal records) at Disney. While some may be much faster than others we all are doing for fun, for accomplishment or for bling.
Anyways back to one of the interesting things I learned is how people prepared for race day. I'm not talking about training, I'm talking about what they pack. Some of us are extremely prepared, have the Girl Scout mentality. I'm not one of those people. Laura was. Again I was a ying to her yang. I talked her out of bringing excessive stuff in her belt while she encouraged me to bring certain things. (Like lipstick) another reason I love this girl.
I swear some people had fricken groceries in their pockets, (im just teasing Lynn Murray 💛) maybe it's my laidback nature. I packed in my race pouch a pack of sports beans, 2 blister bandaids, a cliff bar, back up phone battery (most important item of all 😉).
It was still cool but would warm up by 10:00 so I went with the tank top and shorts.
Quick note about race shirt selection. I had no clue what to wear for the full. I knew comfort was key. So I wore my lucky race shorts I've worn for years. The day before I left I went to the mall and saw a shirt at Victoria's Secret Pink store that said "I hate running". I posted on my group and some friends encouraged me to get. This ended up being a major bonus throughout my run. I'll explain later.
I froze in my corral but was worth it in the end. Here is a pic of Laura and I before heading to race. This time my mom didn't budge to wish us luck. She slept away.
Seriously who can drink coffee before a race?!?! I did eat a nature valley granola bar.
So what were my major concerns about race.
1.) I will die
2.) I will get really injured
3.) I will poop my pants (I've heard stories)
4.) I will get swept
5.) I wanted to be able to ride Expediton Everest
I'm torn between 3&4. If I poop my pants I'll get swept anyways but I guess I'd rather just get swept without the poop so I made it 4.
Pooping pants was a big discussion all weekend. It worried me. I know it's gross but it's a fact of life and the fact I could take about it with laura I knew we'd get along great. And the fact we both put a full face of makeup on before the race. 💄
So we head to the corrals bright and early because she wanted to see if they had the preorder race jackets for sale (she didn't order) we went to a merchandise tent near the bag check. Who knew they had these race day? Laura knew :)
We shopped around and I didn't plan on buying anything til I saw they were selling race banners from the day before. My son is a huge Donald Duck fan and I got this huge banner for 40.00
I was super excited about this cool unique momento!
So we chatted with friends again and wished everyone luck before we headed to corrals!
I walked alone to corral O. Everyone else I knew was ahead of me and I waited. I have to say the vibe today wasn't as fun. People seemed more hardcore and not as chatty. Blah! Oh well. Pretty soon I'd be off and I waited and waited and waited. I was bored. I made this dumb video
Luckily a friend of mine actually had texted while back before bag check and we were texting a bit before race which helped make time pass and keep my mind off freezing and the possibility I may die or poop my pants in the near future.
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