1.) getting to the Magic Kingdom
2.) making it through the Richard Petty Speedway
3.) get to Animal Kingdom and ride Expedition Everest
4.) survive the highway to hell (long stretch of inclined boring highway
5.) get through Disney's Wide World of Sports
So I cross the starting line, and begin my journey through Walt Disney World. It's still dark out as I make my way through miles 1-3. I intended to do a 1 minute walk 1 minute run, But I'm feeling good. I try to run as much as possible. I also realize with wanting Expedition Everest as a goal I needed to gain time ahead of the balloon ladies. My typical jog mile is 12-13 minutes, but with characters, bottle necking, and potential injury on this long long run I knew I needed to make up time early on to stay ahead.
Since I'm alone I take lots of selfies, here are a few

It's kindof weird running the exact same route as day before, I kind of wished it was different but at same time I prefer the new parts at later half of race.
So right after mile 3 I'm reaching th TTC (Ticket and Trasportation Center) the sun is up and there are lots of people there cheering the runners on. That's when I notice lots of people pointing smiling at yelling things at me. I turn down my headphones and realize they are noticing my "I Hate Running" shirt and they are yelling I hate running too, they're laughing and cheering me on.
I never expected this but it made it so fun. I loved interacting this way. This would continue the entire race. I almost felt like I had so many people cheering me on just because they liked my shirt and it made them laugh.
I made my way past the contemporary and down the tunnel with dancing guy on top.

As I completed this section I could tell my feet had a couple blisters forming and planned on making a stop at the ladies room while at the Magic Kingdom.
Just as I was about to get there I ran into two of my Facebook friends from our running group Sage & Jennifer. This is so cool to me to be running with 20,000 people and that moment you see someone you know makes you ecstatic!
As we rounded the corner at Main Street USA we got this pic together
I made sure I stopped in front of castle again as well. Let me note throughout the race at this point I had been taking pictures, tweeting, posting on Instagram and on Facebook. I'm sure many serious runners would disapprove of this, and frown upon it. I'm careful I make sure I use race etiquette when I take walk breaks and I have mad texting and running skills. Just saying. Anyways here's my Facebook post since I found it funny to be taking a pic in same spot as day before
I had planned to stop at the Tomorrowland Restroom but they wouldn't let people run over there so I waited to the one at Pinnochio Haus. I used this moment to regroup a bit. I went to the bathroom then sat on the bench outside and decided to take off sneakers and apply the 2 blister bandaids I brought. First time I've used items from my running belt. I also realized I could've used 1 or 2 more than I brought with me.
After this I put shoes on and headed back to run through the castle. I waved hi to Anna & Elsa on the way
After this I made my way to Frontierland. I had to take a pic that I thought my friends I ran with in Philadelphia last year might like.
Side story- so last May I ran the Philly Broad street 10miler. While visiting the Liberty Bell, I saw the picture of the Dhali Lama with the Liberty Bell
So I of course had to pose this way
And while I'm running Disney marathon I spot the Libery Bell in Libery Square so how could I resist. Luckily a nice cast member took this pic

End Sidenote :)
I make my way through Frontierland. I'm disappointed the Country Bears are not there so I just keep running.
I make my way out of park and reach the 6 miles point where they play the theme song. I was all set for my jam "shake it off" but it was this instead. I rolled with it. I still would've preferred Taylor Swift
And yes I had to make a video
We passed Grand Floridian and Polynesian Resort and were about to hit obstacle #2 the Richard Petty Speedway.
This scared me because I knew it was big, very open and no shade and we would be running on a slant. I just got through it and as it ended I posted this on Facebook. The Mile 9 marker http://youtu.be/tV4mD2uSXxk
The portion of the race after this I was unfamilar with. No clue where I was, it started getting cloudy and felt kindof wildernessy. Seemed fitting for some of my favorite characters which I was excited to stop (short line) and get a pic with.
After that we seemed to hit the sewage treatment stinky portion of race. Didn't realize we ran through this. Kindof funny when in Disney World. And I was making my way to obstacle #3 Animal Kingdom!!!

I was feeling really good still at this point. I ate a cliffbar to keep my energy up though I swear someone sprinkled pixie dust in my shoes.
Just as we were entering Animal Kingdom there was banana stop. I also have to say Run Disney did an amazing job with water & powerade stops as well as medic tents which were much more full than I expected when I passed.
So I'm running through Animal Kingdom wondering, do I have enough time to ride Everest? I had been texting friends throughout and trying to see if anyone has heard via social media where balloon ladies were. As I ran near Expedition Everest I see other runners going to the line. I had heard that runners can go to fast pass but I was directed to regular line. I was super nervous but more and more runners were getting in line after so I felt a little better about it.
Here I am about to ride Everest
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